
* Please select required options above
200-301: Cisco Certified Network Associate CCNA Practice Test
- Detailed answers and references
- Study and timed certification mode
- Instant score report
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The CCNA practice test trains you the fundamentals of networking and security, as well as IP services, automation, and programmability.
Why should I take the CCNA exam?
The CCNA certification offers you the opportunity to demonstrate you have a sound understanding of networking fundamentals, IP services, security fundamentals, automation, and programmability. The CCNA certification sets you up to take on such job roles as entry-level network engineer, help desk technician, network administrator, or network support technician, and makes you an attractive and versatile prospect in the market of today and for the future.
The CCNA practice test includes two different modes: certification and practice mode. Certification mode allows you to assess your knowledge and discover your weak areas, with practice mode allowing you to focus on the areas that need development.
This test contains 261 questions and covers the following objectives:
- Network Fundamentals - 74
- Network Access - 54
- IP Connectivity - 41
- IP Services - 29
- Security Fundamentals - 37
- Automation and Programmability - 26
System Requirements
- Windows 7 or newer, OSX 10.9 or newer
Brower Requirements
- PC: Chrome 39 or newer; Firefox 34 or newer; Internet Explorer 10 or newer
- Linux: Chrome 39 or newer; Firefox 34 or newer
- Mac: Chrome 39 or newer; Firefox 34 or newer; Safari 8 or newer
- iOS: Safari 8 or newer; Chrome 39 or newer
- Android: 4.0 or newer; Chrome 39 or newer
Your will receive an email shortly after your transaction is complete that will include a registration key and instructions on how to redeem the key.
System Requirements
Windows 7 or newer, OSX 10.9 or newer
Browser Requirements:
PC: Chrome 39 or newer; Firefox 34 or newer; Internet Explorer 10 or newer
Linux: Chrome 39 or newer; Firefox 34 or newer
Mac: Chrome 39 or newer; Firefox 34 or newer; Safari 8 or newer
iOS: Safari 8 or newer; Chrome 39 or newer
Android: 4.0 or newer; Chrome 39 or newer
Specify your preferred testing environment in practice mode or select certification mode to closely simulate the actual testing environment. Try one and see for yourself.
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The CCNA practice test trains you the fundamentals of networking and security, as well as IP services, automation, and programmability.
Why should I take the CCNA exam?
The CCNA certification offers you the opportunity to demonstrate you have a sound understanding of networking fundamentals, IP services, security fundamentals, automation, and programmability. The CCNA certification sets you up to take on such job roles as entry-level network engineer, help desk technician, network administrator, or network support technician, and makes you an attractive and versatile prospect in the market of today and for the future.
The CCNA practice test includes two different modes: certification and practice mode. Certification mode allows you to assess your knowledge and discover your weak areas, with practice mode allowing you to focus on the areas that need development.
This test contains 261 questions and covers the following objectives:
- Network Fundamentals - 74
- Network Access - 54
- IP Connectivity - 41
- IP Services - 29
- Security Fundamentals - 37
- Automation and Programmability - 26
System Requirements
- Windows 7 or newer, OSX 10.9 or newer
Brower Requirements
- PC: Chrome 39 or newer; Firefox 34 or newer; Internet Explorer 10 or newer
- Linux: Chrome 39 or newer; Firefox 34 or newer
- Mac: Chrome 39 or newer; Firefox 34 or newer; Safari 8 or newer
- iOS: Safari 8 or newer; Chrome 39 or newer
- Android: 4.0 or newer; Chrome 39 or newer
Your will receive an email shortly after your transaction is complete that will include a registration key and instructions on how to redeem the key.
30- or 60-Day Online Access- Detailed answers and references
- Study and timed certification mode
- Instant score report
System Requirements
Windows 7 or newer, OSX 10.9 or newer
Browser Requirements:
PC: Chrome 39 or newer; Firefox 34 or newer; Internet Explorer 10 or newer
Linux: Chrome 39 or newer; Firefox 34 or newer
Mac: Chrome 39 or newer; Firefox 34 or newer; Safari 8 or newer
iOS: Safari 8 or newer; Chrome 39 or newer
Android: 4.0 or newer; Chrome 39 or newer
Specify your preferred testing environment in practice mode or select certification mode to closely simulate the actual testing environment. Try one and see for yourself.
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